
ThreatCore Project

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George Soros paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests...
Biden Stubs Out Menthol Cigarette Ban Amid Fear Of 'Angering' Black Voters Before Election...
Alvin Bragg's Case Against Donald Trump Is Collapsing...
Biden says he's 'happy to debate' Donald Trump during interview with Howard Stern...

Trump: Let's go!
White House press secretary Jean-Pierre survived quiet ouster attempt...
Marxist takeover of higher education reaches a fever pitch...

Harvard Yard Invaded by Anti-Israel Encampment; 'Intifada Revolution'...

Is Columbia funding its own occupation? Student organization policies suggest so...
Stocks Tank After Disastrous First Quarter GDP Report...

Biden supports $2 TRILLION tax hike...
At least 13 banks may have worked with feds to spy on Trump supporters after January 6 'without warrants'...
WEF: 98% of Central Banks Now Ready to Usher In 'Cashless Society'...
Aussie Prime Minister Calls For Ban On Memes...
Anti-Israel agitators pelt NYPD officers with bottles, bash cop's helmet with chair...

With lawfare failing to move the needle, House Democrats aim to end Secret Service protection...

As Trump battles for 'absolute immunity,' question resurfaces about assassinating rivals...

Jonathan Turley: Alvin Bragg has his Trump trial, All he Needs Now is a Crime...
NASA delivers Voyager software update across 15 billion miles of space...
More than 1.7 million illegal entries in first six months of fiscal 2024...
George Soros Trying to Fast-Track Acquisition of Radio Giant Audacy Through FCC...
Global conflicts at 'all time high'...

US Poised To Send 60 Additional 'Military Advisers' To Ukraine...
Cybersecurity watch:

Threatcore Project 2024 - Keeping watch of events from over 200 sources to bring you essential daily news with less ads.

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