ThreatCore Project

More news, less ads... Daily news of information security, national security, cybersecurity, and other important things

VP Debate: Relentlessly Interrupts with Canned Lines...
Tech staff needed security 'credentials' to handle Clinton emails...

DOJ 'side agreements' let agents destroy laptops in Clinton email case...
Forbes reporting WhatsApp hacked with man-in-the-middle exploit...
Yahoo 'secretly scanned hundred of millions of customers' emails for the NSA and FBI'...
Pew: Most Americans Don't Believe in 'Scientific Consensus' on Climate Change...
Apple named biggest corporate tax avoider in US...
Syria goes hot: Russia sends more air defense missiles...
Report: Ineligible Aliens Voted in Philadelphia in Recent Years...
Horvat: How to Delete Your Facebook Account and Reclaim Your Life...
Federal agents enlisted local police to scan cars' license plates at gun shows...
IoT hell: Hacked 'smart fridge' shows porn in US store...

Lawmakers wary of Homeland Security role in election...
Claim: ISIS leader al-Baghdadi seriously ill after food is poisoned...
Sabotage speculation gathers around SpaceX explosion...
Solar Generated Less Than 1 Percent of U.S. Electricity in First Half of 2016...

'Global warming' guru James Lovelock reverses himself – Now disavows 'climate change'...

Lovelock: 'I've grown up a bit'...
Iran claims new long range attack drone modeled after captured US drone...
Federal judge rules Obama's U.S. Internet handover to U.N. is a 'go'...


Matthew may end 4,000 day 'major hurricane' drought for USA...

GFS vs. ECMWF showdown... 'Outer Banks'....
Cybersecurity watch:
ICS-CERT Alerts [Critical Infrastructure]

US-CERT Alerts...

Shodan: Search engine for internet-connected devices...

Live Cyberattack Map...
Internet Storm Center...
Seen a meteor? Report a fireball...
National Weather Radar Loop

SPC [Storm Prediction Center]

MAP: Active weather warnings

Threatcore Project 2016 - Keeping watch of events from over 200 sources to bring you essential daily news with less ads.
